As part of ongoing learning and good patient care, physicians providing psychotherapy should seek regular supervision. Several MDPAC members offer such services. The supervisor and the supervisee enter into a private arrangement, wherein the frequency of supervision sessions (regular vs prn), the modality of interaction (face-to-face, phone, email, instant messaging), and the supervision fee are negotiated privately between them, in a manner that best suits both. Additionally, supervision may be a requirement of a regulatory college as a result of a disciplinary hearing or change of scope of practice. These more specialized services may not be provided by all those individuals listed below.
A supervisor providing clinical advice to a supervisee is carrying out "medical/professional work", and is therefore fully covered by the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA). The MDPAC is not liable for the supervisory activities of its members.
If you are a MDPAC member looking for a supervisor in medical psychotherapy, contact any of the following supervisors directly.
Policy 2.9.A - Criteria for MDPAC-Approved Psychotherapy Supervisor Status
Policy 2.9.A.i - Criteria for MDPAC-Approved Psychotherapy Supervisor Status - Supervisor Other
LocationSupervisorsContact Information
Toronto, ON West | Jagpreet Arora , BA, MD, CCFP |
(416) 762-0299 |
Toronto,ON Downtown | Michael Cord, MD, MGPP1 | 416-924-4814 |
Toronto,ON Midtown | Derek Davidson, MD, MGPP2, FRCPC | 416 229 2399 ext 231 |
Toronto, ON |
Marc Gabel, AB, MD, MPH NOTE: Only for CPSO-mandated supervision or Change of Scope program |
(416) 271-8877 |
Toronto, ON Midtown (CBT) | Mel Goodman, MD, CCFP, MGPP1 | (416) 789-5331 |
Leamington,ON | David Murphy, MBChB, CRCPC, DABA, CGPP2 |
(226) 773-2811 |
Toronto,ON Downtown | Michael Pare, MD, MSc(Neuro), BSc (Psychology) MGPP1 | 416-229-2399 X120 |
Owen Sound,ON | Victoria Winterton, MD, FCFP, MGPP1 |
519-372-2511 |
1Mentor GP psychotherapist
2Certificant GP psychotherapist
MDPAC members who would like their supervision group listed, email us with complete details for consideration.
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