Individual Supervision

As part of ongoing learning and good patient care, physicians providing psychotherapy should seek regular supervision. Several MDPAC members offer such services. The supervisor and the supervisee enter into a private arrangement, wherein the frequency of supervision sessions (regular vs prn), the modality of interaction (face-to-face, phone, email, instant messaging), and the supervision fee are negotiated privately between them, in a manner that best suits both. Additionally, supervision may be a requirement of a regulatory college as a result of a disciplinary hearing or change of scope of practice. These more specialized services may not be provided by all those individuals listed below.

A supervisor providing clinical advice to a supervisee is carrying out "medical/professional work", and is therefore fully covered by the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA). The MDPAC is not liable for the supervisory activities of its members.

If you are a MDPAC member looking for a supervisor in medical psychotherapy, contact any of the following supervisors directly.



Policy 2.9.A - Criteria for MDPAC-Approved Psychotherapy Supervisor Status

Policy 2.9.A.i - Criteria for MDPAC-Approved Psychotherapy Supervisor Status - Supervisor Other


LocationSupervisorsContact Information

Toronto, ON West Jagpreet Arora , BA, MD, CCFP

(416) 762-0299

Toronto,ON Downtown Michael Cord, MD, MGPP1 416-924-4814
Toronto,ON Midtown Derek Davidson, MD, MGPP2, FRCPC 416 229 2399 ext 231
Toronto, ON  

Marc Gabel, AB, MD, MPH

NOTE: Only for CPSO-mandated supervision or Change of Scope program

(416) 271-8877

Toronto, ON Midtown (CBT) Mel Goodman, MD, CCFP, MGPP1 (416) 789-5331
Leamington,ON David Murphy, MBChB, CRCPC, DABA, CGPP2

(226) 773-2811

Toronto,ON Downtown Michael Pare, MD, MSc(Neuro), BSc (Psychology) MGPP1 416-229-2399 X120
Owen Sound,ON Victoria Winterton, MD, FCFP, MGPP1


1Mentor GP psychotherapist

2Certificant GP psychotherapist

MDPAC members who would like their supervision group listed, email us with complete details for consideration.

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